
❤️ Click here: Zu antworten

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Es kann trotzdem nicht mit absoluter Sicherheit ausgeschlossen werden, dass eine Impfung als unspezifischer Trigger einen Krankheits­schub auslösen kann. Schwangerschaftsdrittel häufiger auftretenden Spontanaborte fälschlicherweise mit der Impfung in Verbindung gebracht werden und so im Einzelfall für die Betroffenen zu einer besonderen psychischen Belastung werden. In meiner vorhergehenden Stelle habe ich Software programmiert und aktualisiert.

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Ich antworte auf etwas I reply to somethingbut Ich beantworte etwas I answer something. Ich antworte auf Deinen Brief I reply to your zu antworten Ich beantworte Deine Frage I answer your question In German, both is used equivalently, but you need to make sure to use the correct form see the auf above. While I think that today you don't need to zu antworten this anymore, it used to be a rule. Many people keep doing this even after the spelling reform. If you reply to a question or answer someone then you go with antworten which means to respond, to be responsive. If you answer a question or a request then you go with beantworten which means to give an answer. Additionally if you response to a letter you also use beantworten which now means to give a written response. In almost most cases you can replace beantworten with antworten auf, i. Ich zu antworten seine Frage nicht. Der Lehrer antwortet dem Schüler mit anschaulichen Beispielen. Note that beantworten carries the connotation of fully or, at the very least, sufficiently answering the question, antworten auf only suggest that you reply but this response may not be satisfying. Ich habe auf deine Frage geantwortet. English reply to something is the equivalent to German auf etwas antworten while English answer something is the equivalent to German etwas beantworten. Man kann nahezu immer beantworten durch antworten auf ersetzen, verändert dadurch aber leicht die Aussage. Beantworten bedeutet, dass die Frage vollständig oder zumindest ausreichend beantwortet wurde, antworten sagt ausschließlich aus, dass auf die Frage reagiert wurde, aber die Frage ist möglicherweise noch nicht zufriedenstellend beantwortet. Let's try and get beyond a single example and understand the structure of how German words are formed. The German prefix be- is one of several prefixes that turn another word - often an intransitive verb - into a transitive verb. The only reason this particular prefix is tricky for English zu antworten is that English has mostly lost it and now does the same thing without any prefix. Though there are still plenty of English words in which the prefix has survived - some of them very antiquated. A typical use is when the object that is bewrapped is more relevant than the material that is wrapped around it. A typical use is when the incident that is bewritten is more relevant than the report that is written about it. This transitive verb is derived from a noun. Modern English does these derivations without the prefix. Again derived from a noun. For this particular shade of meaning, German uses a different prefix - ent- - though for this particular verb it goes without any prefix. A typical use is to mention the bereft man but not the fortune that was reaved. The verb seems to be held alive primarily by the participle bereft. Some parallel prefixes with different shades of meaning are still alive in English. What has been sung or spoken cannot be unsung or unspoken, etc. Note that whereas drink, sing, speak can all be used either transitively with a direct object or without one, undrink, unsing, unspeak can only be used transitively. It should be clear what it would mean to unglass a drinker or to unhandkerchief a rheumy person. If you burden someone too much, or put too much burden on them, you overburden them. If you provide them with too much joy, you overjoy them zu antworten they become overjoyed. Everybody can guess what it would zu antworten to overparrot a bird collector. Before some consonants, the prefix becomes em- for phonetic reasons: If you give a person the power to do something, you empower them. zu antworten It is clear what it would mean for Lego to embrick a personality. It is equally clear that if Montrésor, the hero of Poe's The Cask of Amontillado, does the same it probably amounts to en-graving the person - with en-graving an easily discernible pun. This prefix, like be- is relatively neutral in meaning and therefore isn't normally used with verbs nowadays. Re- a loan prefix from Romance languages, could be added to this list. However, when you apply it to zu antworten intransitive verb you can still use the result without a direct object. This is why it's not a very good example. Nowadays you can also use the other productive prefixes to construct intransitive verbs. For example the infamous overexaggerate can be used intransitively. But this is a relatively recent phenomenon. Now let's apply the theory to be antworten. The basic word is the noun Antwort, which translates to the English noun answer and can be analysed roughly, but quite obviously and logically, as anti-word, i. I zu antworten to a letter. In the first example I used reply, a synonym of answer that can only be used intransitively. There is no English synonym of answer that can only be used transitively, but removing einen Brief from the second example would make the German sentence ungrammatical. I am working on a letter. I am processing a letter. The other answers do almost cover it all. You may or may not add the person. The translation that is closest in grammar to that is to answer. So the following wouldn't work. Antworten itself without auf cannot be done to the question it is intransitive. Thus, the closest translation grammar-wise is to respond. Now, others have pointed out antworten auf. This is correct but there is a difference between antworten auf and beantworten in that the former is really just a response, while the latter implies that it is complete and the matter is settled. If I beantworte a question, it is answered. The question is no more. If Zu antworten antworte auf a question, my answer can ambiguous, incomplete or even a counter question. It is really more a response than it is an actual answer. For those who are interested: I have discussed this very question in more detail.

13 einfache Rätsel mit Antworten, die dich verwirren könnten
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